Friday, November 28, 2008

sweet potatoes...

i love them, what can i say? what more needs to be said. i ate them 3 times this week, but you could probably count that as 4 because of how MANY i ate today. delicious, nutritious, full of vitamin can boil them, mash them, make them in a casserole or pie!!!

heaven better have sweet potatoes!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!

life is tiring and trying and just plain hard....every one and and every thing needs something from us. life is constantly an output of energy and emotions and thought and communication. every one of us goes somewhere to recover....somewhere to get refilled....sowhere to get, so that you can give:
friends, food, gym, a happy place in your mind, hobbies, reading, movies, money, pleasure- everyone does it. sometimes its just doing what you are "supposed to do"- pick up your Bible flip it open...."please give me something here God, anything." then we wonder why that habit never sticks. 
i wonder why i just can't make it, just can't handle it, don't have enough energy....

the Lord has been really teaching me that He is my "Bread for life" (or in my case, my sweet potato) at first i thought, well great, ok God teach me how to know that...then I'll be on my way. But making the Lord your bread is not about "making the bread." 
It's receiving it.....its receiving love. See if I have truly received God's love...I have every bit of nourishment I need for life. No longer am I working, striving, longer am I fixing myself. I am loved. I can set my heart at rest in His presence. I can be OK in that resting. No longer am I looking for acceptance through what I do, but who I am....God's Beloved. My heart is stripped of all the motivations and desires, and I live for one thing honor Him, not out of obligation but because I know He loves me so much. How exciting.

Romans 8 talks about setting your minds on things above, and that this results in a life full of life and peace. 

I'm trying to change my perspective. I'm trying to take away all those things things I go to for bread that do not fill me....even good the good things, and realize that it all has to be about one that which i fully a heart that knows about the love of God can receive the love of God, a heart that receives the love of God is FULL of life and peace, and a heart that is full of love is a heart that can give love away.

greatest commandment from God "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength; and love your neighbor as yourself."

"One thing I ASK of the Lord that I would SEEK, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life."

Oh God, i am broken. I can't even worship and receive your love without your help. i push you away....pure love- love without motivation or condition. i run to you and say....i receive your love. i need it. i'll die without it. its the place i find what i am always always looking for in life. i don't deserve it. i can't do anything for it. but i want it, and i want to be close to you God....not for what you can give me but because of who you are. would you change me by your love.

2nd thing i ask.....that there are sweet potatoes in heaven

happy thanksgiving...more pictures

i would like to introduce you to.....CALVIN!  my husband's latest surprise :) he's about the only person in the world that can fool me (ie getting engaged, surprise me in Mexico). i thought he was working late in order to be more "off" this weekend....when really he had met a family about an hour away to pick up our new puppy. the names were already narrowed down by myself to: wordsworth,  whitman, milton, herman, or calvin......david said he just looked like a calvin....
calvin is 10 weeks old, and he is a Pembroke welsh corgi!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the heavens declare the glory of God

new mexico

I appreciate the way
al the trees' fingertips
reach the same
way- the same
toward the light
toward their food each day
on steep sides of mountain
peaks each of them
the same each of them
all of it blesses Your name
drinks all that You give
the mercy for each day
You, O Lord, are the light in my eyes
if there is any joy in me its You
if there is any peace within
its because i too have reached my fingers
to the sky
exposing every part of me to the light
its because i have taken you in as 
nourishment for my soul
and released all that i am as 
to Your name
All of creation
the heartbeat of the world
is pointing
for salvation
for now
there is for every day
a night
for every light
a darkness
for every up
a down
for every life
a death has happened
for every push a reaction
i am in need
through You
i have reason
i hope
each day