Thursday, November 20, 2008

the heavens declare the glory of God

new mexico

I appreciate the way
al the trees' fingertips
reach the same
way- the same
toward the light
toward their food each day
on steep sides of mountain
peaks each of them
the same each of them
all of it blesses Your name
drinks all that You give
the mercy for each day
You, O Lord, are the light in my eyes
if there is any joy in me its You
if there is any peace within
its because i too have reached my fingers
to the sky
exposing every part of me to the light
its because i have taken you in as 
nourishment for my soul
and released all that i am as 
to Your name
All of creation
the heartbeat of the world
is pointing
for salvation
for now
there is for every day
a night
for every light
a darkness
for every up
a down
for every life
a death has happened
for every push a reaction
i am in need
through You
i have reason
i hope
each day

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