Tuesday, July 29, 2008

a very tiny, itsy-bitsy, little update

Hello dear friends and precious family;

So this will have to be a small update...mainly because I am only allowed 15 more minutes of computer time at Canyon Library. :) :)

I hope that you all are well and good.

This are going very well here in Texas, and life is finally after...well, many years I guess....slowing down. This is a new thing for me! The past several years have really felt like a sprint towards the end of an era in life. Ifelt I was trying to finish the last few things the Lord wanted me to do as a single woman like my 6th grade research paper on the Underground Railroad I wrote in a few days and decided to make 25 pages long. Whew!

God really seems to be taking me into a short time in life where He is going to rest me up and change me. Now granted, the work now is just going to be an internal work....but my God has always been faithful in any kind of work He's brought me to.....and He always carries His work out to be complete and whole and finished. So, I'm excited!

I got a new Beta fish. (Sorry William Howard Taft....you have been replaced) He's purple, and I put him in a glass pitcher in my kitchen. I'm learning to be a wife and putting my house together. I am asking God every day to show me how to love my amazing husband better than the day before.....and ODDLY ENOUGH, every single day I wake up....I love him more than the day before. :) :)

Tuesdays are ministry days........ that is when our college ministry "North" is held. Listen to David's sermons and stay updated on what we are doing at www.northwebsite.com or look him up on Itunes!! :)

Ah! AND, we leave on a mission trip to Mexico on August 13th. WHICH, happens to be the same day my baby brother leaves for college at Liberty University! That is neat!

Well, sorry to disapoint, but it is time for me to split. Please check back often.... (SAM :) ) I will try and give a better update soon. I don't have internet right now, but as of yesterday I have a library card!!! :) :)

I love you all very dearly!!!
Email me or leave a comment!
Have a great day!

-Mrs. Ritchie

1 comment:

runner84 said...

thanks katie for the update, i am glad to hear things are going great. i am also glad to hear you are able to catch your breath, maybe you can do some reading, lol.
