Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wednesday, September 3

I wrote this Wednesday, but I haven't been to the internet :)

Here it is!

Last night, I had the most wonderful dreams. 

Actually, I'm not even sure if it was dreams or a dream or what exactly it was... all I know it was perfect- wonderful.

I know I met God there.

I didn't like meet Him and shake His hand or anything;

but He was there.


I am so incredibly visual.

I am not balanced at all.

You know how some people hear things and can remember them or do things and can do them forever? Most people are a good mix of everything as far as learning and relating to the world. I am pretty strictly visual. I have to read something to understand it...see things to comprehend them. It can, at times, be frustrating.

I am just not a good balance.


Here's the cool thing though; I literally see the world. Moment by Moment.

I am so glad the Lord made me this way. As frustrating as it can be, it is special to me. I am glad the Lord made me exactly the way I am.


Words and sounds and emotions create images in my mind.


I will never be a musical person, but I can see music. I can’t describe it to you, but it’s an image or maybe a movement.


Last night, all night, I heard worship to God in my dreams. Last night, I spent all night worshipping.

I spent all night in the movement of the sound of worship.


When I woke up this morning these words repeated in my ears and stirred this image of worship in my mind…


As the sun peels back petals,

Every time I hear Your name

I dance.


That is what worship sounds like - looks like- to me.


I woke up with such a sense of peace. I knew I had spent the night in the Presence of my God.


See, yesterday, was a hard day. Every emotion I felt, every word that I spoke, only looked like darkness to me. It was all I could see. I felt like I was looking but not seeing…numb…

God, where are you?


But then I went to sleep, and He was there. I felt Him. I saw Him. The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people.


Praise was in my dreams, and He was there.


The wonderful thing about it is, I had absolutely nothing to do with it. I was asleep. In fact, I had lived in darkness that entire day if I had done anything at all.


When God meets me, when I see Him……

it isn’t because I deserve it.

It isn’t because I made myself a better person that day.

It isn’t because I am anything at all.


It is because He loves me. His love isn’t based on what I do or don’t do. His love isn’t based on my performance at all.

His love is love.

God’s love is real love.

God is love.

It’s not dependent on me at all.

I just bring Him joy.


It’s kind of hard to understand, but that’s only because there is nothing else like it.


He doesn’t just save you; He blesses you; He heals you- over, and over and abundantly. (Romans 8)


Last night (before the dream), I saw Phil Wickham in concert at North. (CHECK HIM OUT!!!!!)

He wrote the following lyrics…


“For you

I sing,

I dance.

I rejoice in this divine romance.”


That’s a picture of what HIS love looks like FOR me…for YOU.


As the sun peels back petals

Every time I hear Your Name

I dance

For Your love

I dance

With breath that dances

And leaks off the lips

When You





1 comment:

Michael Rowley said...

thanks, this was encouraging to me