Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the deadly desert

I have described life for me in recent times to be a desert. Last night at North, we sang an amazing song about God's love. I couldn't help but feel the Presence of the Lord, but I also couldn't shake the feeling in my heart that the EXTENT and very meaning of God's love is veiled from my heart. I was touched by the song. I could feel God's love at that moment. YET, a little something inside of me told me I really just don't understand God's love.
It felt really great to know I was loved so dearly by God, but something inside of me cried out to God for more. Something inside of me (my spirit....the real person that I am) Begged God to tear apart what keeps me from that knowledge.
God deliver me; that I might know.

And really I do know what keeps me from His love, my old fling- Fear.

He said to me, so very clearly, another layer has to go.

Today, I had a moment to talk to God. I picked up a book my dear friend Meg had let me borrow and read the first line of the dedication.
It is as follows:

"To walk with God in the high places we must lose our fear. Fear can only be lost in the desert, in the crucible of warfare, inferiority and internal struggle. In that place where only God can shelter you. Only His comfort works. All is stripped bare and we come to rest in His goodness."

I can read no more today.

"Living in Dependency and Wonder: The Journey of Discovering the Depths of God's Love For You" by Graham Cooke

1 comment:

runner84 said...

It looks like you have more time to read, i was just wondering if you ever had a chance to finish Searching For God Knows What.